Business Rigour Or Business Rigor Mortis?

Business Rigour Or Business Rigor Mortis?

Too drastic a headline for you?  What is the significance of rigor mortis in business?  Interesting question.  What if a lack of rigour in your internal alignment creates rigor mortis in your productivity?  Don’t buy it?  Fair enough, who says...
The Why of What, How, Where, When, Who, Which…

The Why of What, How, Where, When, Who, Which…

What is a question? It can be: A request for information;A way of drilling deeper;A way to get to know other people’s thoughts;A way to establish the status in a situation; andEven a way to build rapport…All of the above are true and, underlying all that, and more...
Fight Or Flight: Emotions In The Workplace

Fight Or Flight: Emotions In The Workplace

Getting emotional at work.  Everyone’s worst nightmare, right? For the person who is on the receiving end probably even more so than for the person who it is happening to. What are we so worried about here?  Being seen as unable to cope? Being seen as weak?...
Braving change in the 21st Century – Part 2

Braving change in the 21st Century – Part 2

Part 1 of this article discussed the fact that effective change in the 21st Century starts with a clear sense of purpose (the why) supported by a clear vision for the future of the business. What does that vision need to deliver, to effectively support your purpose?...